Hosea 2:15, “…and I will make the Valley of Achor (“trouble”) a door of hope.”
Even in the darkest of valleys. Even when trouble comes knocking at our doors, God gives us a door of HOPE. Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus today. The author and perfecter of our faith, of our HOPE. Let’s cut out the distraction and the noises of the world and let us enter the throne room of GRACE with a heart of praise. I do not understand a lot in this season. I do not understand the why’s, the hurts, the brokenness, the sickness but what I do know is God loves us deeply and is carrying us through. It’s ok not to be ok. It’s ok to allow others in to see the depths of hurt, the depths of our pain. It’s ok to let down our own guard, our so called strength that we barley have, so someone else can come alongside of us and carry us through. It’s ok to be vulnerable and transparent, to grieve and be weak. Because this is where we find God in extraordinary ways. This is where we see the supernatural hope that comes only through Him. This is where we see the glimpses of light when we have been buried in a cave of darkness and this is where we see His army of angels dispersed around us to uphold us with HIS righteous right hand. This is where God is glorified in and through us. This is where we say, not my will BUT Thy will be done. This is where we become less so that others become more. This is where when we are weak He is our strength. This is where we carry one another’s burdens. Weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. This is where His testimony though our lives is seen and this is where we stand surrendered, arms open wide with a heart of PRAISE. Because He who began a great work within us will finish it until completion.
God doesn’t promise a life without hardships. He doesn’t promise a life without disappointments or pain. He didn’t promise days without weariness, sadness or brokenness BUT what He did promise is that His mercies are new every morning and great is THY faithfulness. What He promised was that He turns mourning into dancing, makes beauty from ashes, turns graves into gardens and that He catches all of our tears. He promises a joy and a hope that can only be found in Him and He promises us a peace, a peace not of this world but a peace that He leaves with us that will indwell within us and a peace that will surpass all understanding to carry us through.
I don’t know the answers to so many questions right now but what I do know is that we serve an all mighty and all powerful God that goes before us to level mountains, to stand in the fiery furnace with us, a God that parts the Red Seas so we can walk through without drowning and a God that blesses us in times of trouble with a door to HOPE.
I know my own story. I know the chapters God is writing within my own family right now and I know there are sentences, even paragraphs of tears, of hard, of brokenness, of battle wounds, of silence and of despair. I know we are trekking through the trenches of life right now but I also know God is writing a love story within us for we have seen and experienced the faithfulness of God. I am not sure what YOU might be walking through today but I want to encourage you with this as you cling to the cross. God is faithful. He is in the business of performing miracles. He is with those who are heavy burdened and promises rest. He is with those who are weary and are crushed in spirit. He takes what has been shattered and creates a beautiful masterpiece from it all. He promises a new life within Him and He promises a HOPE.
Praying today as you approach the hallway to the door you know you need to knock on, that you approach it ready to receive ALL that God wants to shower you with. Go boldly and knock on that door of HOPE and as the door slowly opens, fall to your knees in a posture of surrender when you see Jesus on the other side. This season, it’s a season in which He is pruning you, purifying you, striping you of grave clothes that have been weighing you down and He is growing you in ways that you have been too scared to allow to bloom. Remember to stand in a posture of surrender. Remember He has gotten you out of your Egypt before and He will show you the way out again. Remember HE is worthy of all our honor and praises. Remember He has NOT left you nor forsaken you. Remember HE is enough. Remember HE has made a way. Remember nothing is too big nor too small for our God. Remember you are not alone and remember HE deeply loves YOU.
Holding you close. Love you and praying you, praying us through. We got this because HE has us.