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Last night was a rough night and this morning was even rougher. As I was in bed this morning having a pity party for myself, Jordyn came to me and started playing with my hair and I began to sing one of her very favorite worship songs right now from Third Day, Your Words, from her favorite movie MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN, “YOUR words give us life that’s never ending, YOUR words bring us love that never fails, everything else WILL fade away, but what will remain are YOUR WORDS,” she looked at me and said mom, Why hasn’t God healed you yet? I said Jordyn HE is healing me. Can you tell me what’s different about me, what’s not happening anymore? She said well your not shaking anymore, I replied you see? Yes He healed me from that. What else? I said I can talk better now and I don’t fall when I walk anymore, you see HE is healing me.. She said oh, so it’s like a little then a little then a little then boom your healed? I said EXACTLY..

Then I said what should we do when I am completely healed and she said, have a BIG party. She said I was scared you were never going to get better, that you would never be healed.

Amazing, even though I had a rough night and morning God used this opportunity to teach me, using Jordyn, to remind me that healing has taken place and that it is about baby steps, patience and trusting in HIM, continuing to hold onto the cross.. And He also ministered and blessed a little girl whose heart has been hurting.
Blessed beyond measure that even in the dark, HE shines His light, we just need to be still enough to recognize it. I so want to be back to myself, to be healed and to be “normal” that I was forgetting about the process and how faith and trust is built. This may be about strengthening both those areas for myself as well as my patience, or it could be so my children, my family witnesses just how BIG and amazing God is. Maybe it’s for those opportunities that I would have missed to speak HIs truth and Hos promises or maybe it’s showing us just how loving and faithful He truly is. I don’t know those answers and honestly may never find them out. But what I do know, is that Gods name continues to get proses and glorified through tjis faith journey home. For that I am eternally grateful. For His name will get all the honor and glory Amen


Hebrews 10:23(NIV) Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.