A day in history that will forever humble us as a nation. A day where we will have a heavy heart for those families whose lives were drastically altered and a day where evil tried to destroy us and instill fear into us. A day many were on their knees and a day that will forever be ingrained Into our souls.
I remember this day so vividly and my heart still is saddened for what we experienced as a nation and for those families who experienced unfathomable pain. Today I lift up those families and our country in fervent prayer. For peace, protection and comfort. For our country to unite as one again and for the moms, dads, and children that have a longing in their souls for he ones they lost. I pray that the light of Christ would shine down on each of them today and they will feel his love and embrace as their soul weeps for those they have lost. That they will not be saturated with fear and anxiety but with the unfathomable Shalom peace of God.
Today is a day to remember how precious life is and to not take that for granted. It’s never to late to reconcile a broken or lost relationship and it’s never to late to ask for forgiveness and tell those whom you love that you love them. Hold on tight to your babies, pray over them and send them out into this world showing love and not hate. Today choose joy, choose peace and choose LOVE but most of all choose HIM.