All the time. He is my strength in my weakness, my light in darkness and and my hiding place when I need protection and shelter.
Have you ever been in a dark and weary season? A season when you fight and fight and fight, knowing He is carrying you through but all of the sudden you feel like He has dropped you and you are about to face plant on the ground. A season when you are leaning in, seeking His face, His guidance, healing and complete restoration to your broken and weary soul? A season where you are completely debilitated physically and or emotionally and you are in complete surrender to Him, anxiously waiting for a pivotal, episodic, transformational encounter with Him where He restores all that was taken? A season of being completely out of control of the circumstances in your life but you cling so tightly to the cross because you KNOW it’s your only source of hope and freedom?
That is the season I have been in for the past 7.5 weeks. There are moments I am crushed in spirit, weary, discouraged and just deeply sad. I know God is my strength, my hiding place, my shelter and my refuge and I know He is doing an amazing work in and through me as He purifies me and heals me, BUT I am in a place of desperation for HIM. I desperately need to see His face, to embrace His presence, to know I am not alone and I desperately need the anointed, healing hands of Jesus to pour down in and through me.
I don’t get why I am still struggling daily. I try to make sense of all this and I try to wrap my head around why I am not completely healed yet. I don’t get why there seems to be one land mine after another on my battlefield but I know it’s not for me to get. To be honest, I am CRUSHED but I know God is greater than all of this. Greater He who is in me then he who in the world. Oh how I am clinging to this TRUTH
I don’t know what you are walking through but know God hears the cries of your heart. He redeems, restores and He uses ALL things for the good of those who love HIM. He heals the broken-hearted. He restores the years the enemy tried to steal and He turns our ashes into beauty, creating a beautiful masterpiece of our lives. God is good ALL the time and When you are feeling defeated, weary, alone, broken beyond “fixing,” He will send you an angel, a prophetic word, a message, a phone call to remind you He is with you and has not left you or forsaken you.
My prayer for us on this unexpected day. I need you Lord, we need you. We desperately need to see your face. Wrap your loving arms around us and lead us through this journey of life. Heal us, restore us, use our storms to bring glory to you and your kingdom. Bring the masses to know who you are and let revival break out in our hearts and in the hearts around us. Use our testimonies as a declaration of your faithfulness and goodness and remind us we are not alone. That you are walking beside us, paving the way for something so much greater than our minds can fathom. Remind us that although we don’t get it, that you have it. Remind us as you purify us that you are elevating and escalating us to new heights in you and remind us just how much you love us. We surrender all of us to all of you. In Jesus mighty and all powerful name AMEN
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#iamnotalone #christianwritter, #christianspeaker
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