I was pulling out of my driveway this morning and I was in awe of this captivating masterpiece before my eyes. Oh how I LOVE a beautiful sky. It sings to my soul. It changes my atmosphere and it speak to me in profound ways.
These past few weeks for me have been beyond difficult. I have found myself in a place of overwhelming stress, despair, isolation and sadness. My health condition has been flared up, falling asleep many nights to full on body tremors and really just feeling, will this HARD season ever come to an end? Questioning if this dark cloud, this cloud of confusion, disconnect, worry, will ever be lifted? Crying out day and night to the Lord for His grace and mercy to cover me and carry me through. Truly being at a breaking point and then, this morning, through the skies He whispers and His quiet and still voice radiates through the deepest parts of my soul and reminds me through His blissful creation, HIS mercies are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness. That He is the light and pathways are formed and created by Him. All we have to do is surrender, place Him at the center of our lives and look up.
Look closely at this picture. The clouds, the pathways that are closest to the light are clear and bright, they radiate light through the sky. Yet look at the clouds that are further and further from the sun, they get darker and darker the further away they are. Yes there are specs of light within the cloud, but the darkness overshadows the light.
The same is true for our lives. The closer we are to Christ, the more we radiate all things Him. However, the further we walk away from Him, this dark cloud begins to hover over our lives and although there are still specs of His light within our cloud, we can’t seem to find the path He is wanting us to travel. Confusion, chaos, disconnect, and isolation begin to creep in and before we know it, we find ourselves in deep sadness and despair.
I get it, I go there more often than I want to admit. I laugh because it takes a millisecond for the enemy to grab ahold of us and take us down but it takes days, weeks sometimes even months for us to realize it and re-position ourselves back before HIM.
Life has been a continuous treacherous storm in the Vorlicky household and as I told John this past weekend, it had been a really SUCKY
Season, but but but, God is good and amazing and He is continuously reminding US of how great and magnificent HE is.
I know I am super vulnerable and transparent and most people are private but God has NOT called me to be private. He has called me to share HiM, to share how faithful and loving He is and how even during a SUCKY season, when I/we, are being consumed by storm after storm and the dark clouds of the enemy seem to be never ending, that He is sovereign and good and even when we don’t feel Him close, the spec of His light still shines and is still recognizable in the dark.
I really want to encourage you with this. He is everywhere and He wants to speak intimate transforming words into the deep aching parts of your soul. He wants to bring you to a place of complete surrender, to freedom in Him. Allow Him to work in and through you. The journey of healing is HARD. To be purified in Him is difficult BUT the reward of experiencing His anointed, supernatural, healing hands is PROfOUND.
Find one to two people that you can be bare naked vulnerable and transparent with and have them know your deepest darkest. I know this is Hard as many have been hurt and wounded by others but it is imperative that you have prayer warriors, those who can weep with you and rejoice with you. Those who can position and reposition you before His light, His love and His healing hands.
Being in the dark is NEVER fun but it is where God does HIS greatest work. It where we find Him close to the weary and broken-hearted. It’s where we experience His healing hands. It’s where He lavishes us with His unfailing LOVE and it’s where He is our strength in our weakness. It’s where He opens the eyes of our hearts and it’s where He brings comfort, rest and peace to our souls.
Today lean into Him. Don’t dismiss the quiet whispers He is trying to speak to you. Don’t overlook a “beautiful sky” and don’t ignore the tugging of your soul. Don’t silence a phone call from someone you haven’t spoken to in awhile and don’t isolate yourself. God wants to bring you to a place of purifying freedom. Those “little” things, that phone call, might just be an answer to prayer, a healing or encouraging word to carry you through and it might be the BREAKTHROUGH you have been on your hands and knees begging God for.
Praying you all through this day. Remember He is love, He is light, He is hope and He is the GREAT I AM. For nothing is impossible through Christ Jesus
Love y’all