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Oh love this… When your wound becomes a scar you forget the pain but remember what transpired. You can look back on the darkness but you can boast about how God met you and carried you into the light. The pain and anguish your soul endured becomes a mere reflection of Gods sovereign healing hands and becomes a testimony of how He weeps with those who weep, rejoices with those who rejoice and how HE turns our mourning into dancing. How He is close to the weary, broken-hearted and those who are crushed in spirit and how HE and He alone, will mend your fractured wings so you can fly high on the wings of eagles. 

When your wounds becomes scars, you carrying an anointing, you carry Gods grace, forgiveness and freedom. When your wounds become scars, you are able to have a supernatural empathy and sympathy that will minister deeply to  others whom the trials of life have knocked them off their feet.. Allow your pain to bring light and hope to the masses. It’s ok to be vulnerable and transparent. Your journey, your trials, your pain, could be the testimony someone desperately needed to hear to begin their journey in finding healing and finding HIM. 

Allow your scars to tell your story.  Allow your scars to be proof that Greater HE who is in me then he who is in the world. Allow your scares to to be a testimony that no matter how big the Giant was before you, the God inside of you was stronger and was able to fight whatever battle you were in. Allow your scars to be your strengths and not your weakness and allow HIM to use what the enemy meant to harm you with for His glory and His kingdom. Allow your scars to bring healing, light and hope to the broken and allow Him to work miracles in and through YOU. Go out today with BOLD confidence and a reassurance that you are deeply loved and adored, you are perfectly and wonderfully made and that HE will use ALL things for His kingdom and His glory. 

And in case no one as told you this lately, you are His beloved and you are LOVED 

Praying you have an abundantly blessed day

Love y’all 💗💗💗